When I first saw the caterpillar fleece I thought it would make a cute jacket for my young niece but my daughter said she liked it and wanted a jacket from it. I actually made this earlier this year and entered it in our county fair (blue ribbon) but hadn't taken pictures or blogged about it yet.
When I started making this I saw why Lisa had fought with this pattern when she used version E for a 4H project. interfacing the front bands and collar and the hand stitching take a bit of time as well as working with the heaviness of multiple layers and gathered front are not as easy as it would seem.

The instructions are ok, but I did make a change of course. The top half of both front pieces are both lined with the fashion fabric but not the upper back piece. This means that you would need lots more hand stitching to make the inside neat. Why? I cut an extra top back and due to fabric shortage used a scrap to make the piece long enough. This meant that even though I had to hand sew the entire inside top section of the jacket down, the inside arm openings and shoulder and collar sections look neat.
I could not find the snap I intended to use for the jacket and didn't like any buttons I had on hand, so I had to make an emergency run to Hancock Fabrics to get a snap. My Husband drove and I sewed it on while he drove back so I could get the jacket checked in at the open class on time. Whew, last minute all the way! The judge said that the snap should have been put above the seam rather than at the middle like I have it. I didn't change the snap placement but it's good information to know for future projects
All in all I am pleased with how this jacket turned out and how cute my daughter looks in it,